Get your tickets for our Sweetest Dream Gala on April 15, 2023!

Get your tickets for our Sweetest Dream Gala on April 15, 2023!


My Autism Story…

Susan Belcher is a Founder of Spring Forward For Autism. A mother of two boys, ages 5 and 7. Zane, who is 7 years old, was diagnosed with epilepsy at 3 1/2 years and Autism Spectrum Disorder shortly after.

Understanding all of the physical, financial, emotional and time investments needed as a parent of a child on the spectrum, Susan is passionate about bringing resources to other Special Needs children and adults in the Brevard Community. Working alongside other organizations, Susan and Spring Forward for Autism are bringing unity and support in the Autism Community, and fostering Autism awareness to the entire community.

I owe it to my children to never give up, never back down. I can make a difference not only in my son’s life but also build a strong foundation to make sure no child on the Autism Spectrum is left behind. We owe it to these children to set them up with tools, skills, and support to lead a successful and fulfilled life.

This is my life. This is my heart.

My journal shares my experience with autism and offers a light hearted account with many fun as well as real stories.  This is intended to build a community for those who have a child with special or medical needs, or those who can relate because I am just a woman, who like any woman, wants to be loved, accepted, and heard. Or another parent that wants to understand autism.

I just wanted to get my story out there so maybe, just maybe, someone out there doesn’t have to feel so alone and maybe inspire awareness, forgiveness, and patience.



Read more about Susan’s journey

From the beginning

"D" day... “D” day otherwise known as diagnosis day is different for all of us. But one thing resonates between us…. The death of a dream…. The realization that your child will struggle and that [...]

Moving Forward

The Road Ahead... My fears were finally confirmed. Autism was a word that would change our lives forever. This was big. Though part of me was relieved, the other part of me was terrified and [...]

Opening Up

Sharing Experiences... I didn’t realize the amount of patience i would need to no only get the help i need for zane and for being a parent in general, but for parenting a child on [...]

2018-09-11T16:08:40-04:00March 2nd, 2018|

About the Author:

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