NEW DATE! Saturday, September 19, 2020
Our Premiere Fundraising Event!
Check out our new platform for the Gala event!
Purchase tickets for in-person and virtual attendance
Become a sponsor and view our sponsors
View our Silent Auction items and bid
Participate in the Live Auction
Many things have changed over the last months, but one thing remains the same: our annual gala event is the most important fundraising event to offer financial support to families raising an autistic child!
Since November our applications for financial aid have been piling up as we eagerly awaited our gala event. We have been unable to offer any new family grants while we await the funds raised on this night. Due to the current situation, we have had to postpone, get creative and find new ways to give you an experience you won’t forget.
Our partnership with The Parker Foundation for Autism and Child Development will make our 2020 gala the best yet! We are transporting you to the streets of Rio de Janeiro through an evening filled with street performers, as well as a silent auction, assorted heavy Hors d’oeuvres, open bar, live entertainment, and a DJ.
We are offering a few new ways for you to enjoy our Carnaval do Brasil 2020 while directly contributing to families in need:
- VIRTUAL PARTY! Purchase a Watch Party from the luxury of your home with catered food and beverage
- Sponsor a table, join the VIP party, purchase a ticket and join us at the Hilton
- Make a donation and receive the link to view the party and live entertainment
- Participate in the virtual silent auction
Even if you can’t make the event you can still help:
Tickets & Sponsorships
All sponsorships and tickets for the event at the Hilton include Brazilian fare and unlimited drinks!
Virtual gala including live performances by the Light Up Rio Dancers, Rainbow Circus, Live Auction & DJ
Virtual VIP Watch Party $750
includes catered dinner and drinks for 10 in the luxury of your own home while you enjoy the show!
Virtual Viewing Code $50
help support our cause and enjoy the party from home
Single Tickets $125
includes unlimited drinks
CARNIVAL $10,000
2 VIP Tables for 16 guests & VIP cocktail hour, FRONT PAGE EXPOSURE, 2 Page Article in the Program, Live Event recognition, Large Logo Hanging Banner, Logo on all Marketing Materials and Social Media
RIO $5,000
2 VIP Tables for 16 guests & VIP cocktail hour,
Full Page Ad,Live Event Recognition, Logo on all Marketing Materials and Social Media
AMAZON $2,000
1 VIP Table for 8 guests & VIP cocktail hour,
Full Page Ad, Logo on all Marketing Materials, Website and Social Media
SAMBA $1000
4 Gala Tickets & Full-Page Ad, Logo on all Marketing Materials , Website and Social Media
2 Gala Tickets & Half Page Ad
** Special room rates our guests at the Hilton Rialto **
$135 for the night of our event
Purchase a chance to win
Oculus Quest VR Headset

Forms for Sponsors & Advertisers:
Please complete the forms found below. All advertisement agreements must be received by July 25, 2020 to be included in our catalog. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Susan Belcher, at contact@Springforwardforautism.org.
We sincerely thank you for your generosity.
Please send all graphics by September 1, 2020 to contact@springforwardforautism.org